You know what this picture tells you? (and the books are right in front cause there's no more space and this picture is still missing a pair of sneakers and half my pile of books) tells you that I'm very free so anybody can ask me out for shopping or eating or whatever BUT...I won't be spending much anymore cause that's the gay amount of stuff I bought in hongkong
Free food for me is always welcome :D Ashley (not the white hamster) calls me a pig for that but hahaha I don't care cause food is gooood.
I don't need to buy new tops/bottoms or books or art materials for a very long time too o_O
My 6th aunt and her family sent us off at the airport on the 4th:
I don't understand why I'm the only one with small eyes! And my cousin just cried real badly before the photo was taken. Lets just say she likes me quite alot and didn't want to part with us. :/
On the plane, I watched wild child and my mom got really sick on the plane :/ I think she got too tired packing and stuff. We had the usual air plane food and I still think Emirate's was the best :] Sigh Olomouc...
I remember how the whole group of us played scrambledash (word game) on the plane together on the flight to Dubai :P
...Carrying the luggage back home KILLED my back.
Anyway, my brother had decorated the christmas tree for the first time in years cause he invited some friends over for some celebration cum karaoke session (we have this weird karaoke machine at home that rates how well you sing ROFL. Of course its all a scam)
Another thing is that I can't freaking take a proper photo of it cause of many reasons. All of them won't show the true beauty of the thing!
I've got a letter addressed to me with a bracelet in bubblewrap in it. It was from Cheryl, my ex. TLL classmate from primary 5 and 6. I reckon I've changed alot cause she said she didn't recognize me. (When she was studying at the table next to mine at esplanade library four months ago)
I didn't wave hi at that time cause I didn't know what to say :/
She has a blog shop and asked me to advertise so do take a look ^_^
The next day, on the 5th, I made this thing at home.
Its a present for someone and the idea came from..idk where.
I bought these round wooden boxes from art friend previously and wanted to paint it at first, but then I saw many many many pieces of felt at home so I made that. Stoned for awhile cause I was out of inspirations for the top of the cake and it just came to me when I accidentally cut a tear drop shaped felt.
I think the cutting and pasting (with irritating white glue) took me around 4 + hours. Half of the time I was trying to get glue out of my fingers -__-
ya I know my room is very messy. (I got nicer stuff to do at the moment! Like...listening to Justin sing :D)
and on the 6th (tuesday), Kaikai came over to my house to make something :D (she came back the night before! ^_^)
After she left to find ashley, I got bored and drew faces on the cereal box
I LOVE GOLD FLAKES BTW. but I love kimchi and sushi more.
Yesterday, I went to collect ALL my hamsters.
THANKS JACQUELINE FOR HELPING ME FIND THE ADOPTERS! :D I'll try to take more pictures of Ashley and post them here so you won't miss him too much k! (she really likes him). Thanks for the hamster treats and clothes and most importantly, for helping me take care of them. All the best to mayo and my little hamhams said hi to you!
Thanks Siyun (and family) for playing and taking care of my two hamsters too! They're sorry for biting you and your sis ): And thanks to your mom for the bedding and helping me buy the toys, seeyou on sunday!
Thanks yc for helping me take care of it even though you just "leave it in one corner" cause it bites and you can't play with it HAHA!
I hung out at Terie's place in the afternoon and we watched this movie, Daddy's little girls.

According to her, "movies acted by black people are always very touching" and I think you'll have to agree to that! At least after watching this movie ^_^
We also watched Kyle xy (a tv show) on channel 5, its not bad :D Afterwhich, I koped 1 gb worth of songs from her com haha. :D
& I really missed her! Its almost been a month since we've last seen each other (unless you consider the webcam as "seeing each other") There's gonna be more movies we're gonna catch. Hopefully we'll still be in good moods after monday :/
Today, I went to school and met Ada at her classroom to pass her the choir gown and a SS textbook.
Lastly, two more Justin Lo songs for you LOL. If you've noticed, I've been listening to his songs since yesterday night after I downloaded a couple of them. :D
He's a good singer (I don't care if he's not that good looking!) and you can't deny it! You can't miss 命硬, 男人 KTV, 好人 and Kong!
决战二世祖 by 側田
btw, 二世祖 = rich man's kid
He's so cute when he tried to take a few puffs of that cigar but threw it down with that OMG WHAT SHIT IS THIS ITS SO DISGUSTING look. & when he's moving to the beat doing the weird voice thing in the car!
The front reminds me of MR. LONELY.. listen to it, its lighthearted and different. and I lol-ed at these lines:
其实我爱你爱到比他更恐怖 (LOL)
The girl at the end of the MV is also very hot and pretty IMO (but can't beat the girl in DISTURBIA the movie) . If you're feeling emo or need a song to cheer you up, just watch this vid (the ending is quite ke ai too)
This song is a BIG contrast to the one above looks kinda wrong (pornish?!) and I'd rather he look cute HAHA. I didn't want to post this but imeem has irritating stuff and I can't be bothered to edit the html.
Apparenlty, Volar is a very posh night club in HongKong so the song lives up to the vivacious spirit there? I like the song's beat though. And also when he sings
Hey Mr DJ 要播爆这天地
欣赏她肢体 将水银都泻地
I heard 方大同's 橙月 was pretty good, I hope Leehom gives us a good album! :D
Meanwhile, I'm gonna continue listening to those oldies and those I got from ky and terie! (AND LEONA LEWIS OF COURSE)
Tag replies:
yc: can i roast your hamster?
{Rabbits would taste nicer ^_^ joking!}
isabel: WELCOME BACK!!!


{YES JUSTIN LO!!! I LOVE HIM ALOT TOO! Yup I've downloaded it and it IS very nice!! But do you know why its called KONG ah?}
Busy for the next few days (except at night):
Tomorrow: physio in morning, meeting up with brother and Jasmine (his friend) for lunch.
Saturday: Out with Ashley, Anna and maybe kaiying
Sunday: Gathering with the girls at Annia's new place!
Monday: Results out. NOOOOOOOOOOOO
Tata. (this is so abrupt after the "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO")
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